HKIOP Psychotherapist & Lecturer


Miranda hopes to assist people in connecting with their ultimate meaning of life.


Miranda Lo is a “Life Coach”. Her mission is to assist people in finding their ultimate meaning of life – via Professional Life Coaching service. Back in 2006, due to the work stress in life, it sparked her awareness in the question, “What is the meaning of life?” Miranda started professional training firstly from the somatic aspect via yoga practice. Then it was yoga teacher training. Afterward, her training in emotions and intellect via self-exploration in psychology study and hypnotherapy studies.

Miranda is currently undertaking a Master Degree in Counselling.

羅美怡現為 生命教練(Life Coach)、瑜珈導師、工作坊導師 。她致力於推動尋求、尋找、以及領會生命的意義及目標。 她擅長於通過無壓力的自家娛家 (Self-Care)方式 --由身體 動感介入,以致透過呼吸法及/或放鬆練習的應用,再引導進入默想練習或是自我催眠的應用,務求達致舒緩都市人的生活壓力。

Certification : 主要資歷

• 澳洲 Monash University 心理輔導學碩士生

• 英國 BACP 心理輔導及心理治療協會學生會員)

• 美國 Upper Iowa University 心理學榮譽科學學士

• 英國 HTI 催眠治療文憑生

• 美國 A.C.H.E. 臨床催眠治療師 (CHT 311-082)

• 美國 YOGA ALLIANCE RYT500 註冊瑜珈導師

(英國 Seasonal Yoga 認證)

(西班牙 Hatha-Raja Yoga 200 小時培訓課程)

(美國 Yin Yoga 30 小時導師課程)

• 美國 YOGA ALLIANCE RPYT 註冊孕婦瑜珈導師

(澳洲 Mindful Birth 認證)

(英國 Yoga Alliance Professionals 註冊會員)

(印度 Svastha Yoga 200 小時治癒瑜珈培訓課程)

Previous Volunteer Teacher of : 曾任以下義務瑜珈導師 :

• 香港心理衛生會 (賽馬會恆悅坊)
The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (Jockey Club Amity Place)

• 東華三院 —— 復康診所
Tung Wah Groups of Hospital —— Rehabilitation Clinic