“Hong Kong Institute of Psychology (HKIOP)” was found in 2017.
Core Values
TRUTH Be perseverant and passionate to pursue & practice TRUTH
LOVE Be patient and kind to LOVE myself, others & environments
HOPE Be positive and optimistic to face challenges in HOPE
FAITH Be present and wholehearted to move on in Faith
To be the best-known and most popular professional institute of providing a wide range of psychology-related programs, activities and services in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Institute of Hong Kong will endeavour:
- To provide professional training programs and activities for the individual, small to large groups and organizations.
- To promote qualified academic degree programs for different universities.
- To provide professional psychotherapy and counseling services.
- To train up volunteers to meet the needs of different people or organizations.
- To provide training and supervision services to trained HKIOP psychotherapists.
真理 要堅毅不屈,熱切地追求和實踐真理。
愛心 要恆久忍耐和友善地愛謢自己、他人及環境。
盼望 要積極樂觀面對挑戰,並常存盼望。
信心 要有信心活在當下,全情投入不斷前進。
- 為個人、小組、團體以及機構提供專業的培訓課程和活動。
- 協助多所大學推廣其下多個優質的學位課程(包括學士、碩士和博士)。
- 提供專業的心理治療、輔導與咨詢服務。
- 按照個人或團體需要去設計和進行義工培訓服務。
- 培訓和監督HKIOP心理治療師。
Facebook: 香港心理學院 Hong Kong Institute of Psychology