(Faculty of Science, HLIOP)
顧問及講師 (HKIOP科學系)
梁浩文博士 (Dr. Leung) 身體力行致力透過學術研究、教育推廣去讓人們對環境保護的認識和實踐。
授獲Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research國際期刊 [Q1期刊(影響因子 5.8 (2022年))] 總編輯邀請擔任客席編輯。
Papers in international refereed journals
- Leung HM, Ye ZH, Wong MH. 2006. Interactions of mycorrhizal fungi with Pteris vittata (As hyperaccumulator) in As contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 139, 1-8.
- Leung HM, Ye ZH, Wong MH. 2007. Survival strategies of plants associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on toxic mine tailings. Chemosphere 66, 905-915.
- Cheung KC, Leung HM, Kong KY, Wong MH. 2007. Residual levels of DDTs and PAHs in freshwater and marine fish from Hong Kong markets and their health risk assessment. Chemosphere 66, 460-468.
- Cheung KC, Leung HM, Wong MH. 2008. Metal concentrations of common freshwater and marine fish from the Pearl River Delta, South China. Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 54, 705- 715.
- Cheung KC, Zhang JY, Deng HH, Ou YK, Leung HM, Wu SC, Wong MH. 2008. Interaction of higher plant (jute), electrofused bacteria and mycorrhiza on anthracene biodegradation. Bioresources Technology 99, 2148-2155.
- Cheung KC, Zheng JS, Leung HM, Wong MH. 2008. Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers associated with the consumption of marine and freshwater fish in Hong Kong. Chemosphere 70, 1707-1720.
- Cheung KC, Leung AOW, Qin YY, Leung HM, Zheng JS, Wong MH. 2008. Residual levels of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in freshwater and marine fish from Hong Kong markets. Organohalogen Compounds 70, 1128-1132.
- Wu FY, Leung HM, Wu SC, Ye ZH, Wong MH. 2009. Variation in arsenic, lead and zinc tolerance and accumulation in six populations of Pteris vittata L. from China. Environmental Pollution 157, 2394-2404.
- Leung HM, FY Wu, KC Cheung, ZH Ye and MH Wong. 2010. The Effect of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate amendment on arsenic uptake, accumulation and growth of Pteris Vittata in As-contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation 12, 384-403.
- Leung HM, FY Wu, KC Cheung, ZH Ye and MH Wong. 2010. Synergistic effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate rock on heavy metal uptake and accumulation by an arsenic hyperaccumulator. Journal of Hazardous Material 181, 497-507.
- Wu FY, Bi YL, Leung HM, Ye ZH, Lin XG, Wong MH. 2010. Accumulation of As, Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu and arbuscular mycorrhizal status in populations of Cynodon dactylon grown on metal-contaminated soils. Applied Soil Ecology 44, 213-218.
- Wang HS, Du J, Leung HM, Leung AOW, Liang P, Giesy JP, Wong CKC, Wong MH. 2011. Distribution and source apportionments of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in mariculture sediments from the Pearl River Delta, South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 63, 516-522.
- Wang HS, Du J, Ho KL, Leung HM, Lam MHW, Giesy JP, Wong CKC, Wong MH. 2011. Exposure of Hong Kong residents to PBDEs and their structural analogues through market fish consumption. Journal of Hazardous Materials 192, 374-380.
- Cheung KC, Leung HM, Ma KK, Peng XL, Zheng JS. 2012. Assessment on the biodiversity, water and sediment qualities of remediated estuaries in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Protection 3, 1-14.
- Huang MJ, Wang W, Leung HM, Chan CY, Liu WK, Wong MH, Cheung KC. 2012. Mercury levels in road dust and household TSP/PM2.5 related to concentrations in hair in Guangzhou, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 81, 27-35.
- Leung HM, Wang ZW, Ye ZH, Yung KKL, Peng XL, Cheung KC. 2013. Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizae and a hyper-accumulator and non-accumulator for phytoremediation: A review. Pedosphere 23, 549-563.
- Leung HM, Leung AOW, Ye ZH, Cheung KC, Yung KKL. 2013. Mixed arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal application to improve growth and arsenic accumulation of Pteris vittata (As hyperaccumulator) grown in As-contaminated soil. Chemosphere 92, 1367-1374.
- Hu JL, Wu SC, Wu FY, Leung HM, Lin XG, Wong MH. 2014. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance both absorption and stabilization of Cd by Alfred stonecrop (Sedum alfredii Hance) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in a Cd-contaminated acidic soil. Chemosphere 93, 1359-1365.
- Wang HS, Chen ZJ, Cheng Z, Du J, Man YB, Leung HM, Giesy John P., Wong CKC, Wong MH. 2014. Aquaculture-derived enrichment of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in coastal sediments of Hong Kong and adjacent mainland China. Science of The Total Environment 466–467, 214-220.
- Leung HM, Leung AOW, Wang HS, Ma KK, Liang Y, Ho KC, Cheung KC, Tohidi F, Yung KKL. 2014. Assessment of heavy metals/metalloid (As, Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cu, Mn) concentrations in edible fish species tissue in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 78, 235-245.
- Leung HM, Leung SKS, Au CK, Cheung KC, Wong YK, Leung AOW, Yung KKL. 2015. Comparative assessment of water quality parameters of mariculture for fish production in Hong Kong Waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 94, 318-322.
- Leung HM, Nurdan S. Duzgoren-Aydin, CK Au, S Krupanidhi, Fung KY, Cheung KC, Wong YK, Ye ZH, Yung KKL, Tsui MTK. 2016. Monitoring and assessment of heavy metal contamination in constructed wetland, Shaoguan, China: Bioaccumulation of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in in-situ aquatic and terrestrial components in an ecosystem. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 24, 9079-9088.
- Chan JTK, Leung HM, Yue PYK, Au CK, Wong YK, Cheung KC, Yung KKL. 2016. Combined effects of land reclamation, channel dredging upon the bioavailable concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Victoria Harbour sediment, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114, 587-591.
- Yue YK Patrick, Leung HM, Li J Adela, Chan NC Tracy, Sung YH, Wong MH, Leung SY Kelvin, Zeng Y Eddy. 2017. Angiosuppressive properties of marine derived compounds – A mini review. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 24, 8990-9001.
- Mo WY, Chan Z, Leung HM, Leung AOW. 2017. Application of veterinary antibiotics in China’s aquaculture industry and their potential human health risks. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 24, 8978-8989.
- Wong YK, Ho YH, Ho KC, Leung HM, Yung KKL. 2017. Maximization of cell growth and lipid production of freshwater Microalga Chlorella vulgaris by enrichment technique for biodiesel production. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 24, 9089-9101.
- Wong YK, Ho YH, Leung HM, Ho KC, Yau YH, Yung KKL. 2017. Enhancement of Chlorella vulgaris harvesting via electro-coagulation-flotation (ECF) method. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 24, 9102-9110.
- Yung KKL, Leung HM. 2017. The importance of developing sustainable eco-aquaculture in a coastal area of China. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 24, 8891-8893.
- Fung KY, Leung HM, Yung KKL. 2017. Comparative assessment of soil quality parameters after implementing afforestation program in forest areas of Hong Kong. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research. doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-9550-z.
- Krupanidhi S, Kineman J, Sai MN, Leung HM. 2017. The leaf as a sustainable and renewable system. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 34, 564-576.
- Wong YK, Ho YH, Leung HM, Ho KC, Yung KKL. 2018. Growth Medium Screening for Chlorella vulgaris Growth and Lipid Production. Journal of Aquaculture and Marine Biology 6, 00143
- Leung HM, Kwok FSL, Mo WY, Cheung KC, Yue YK, Wong YK, Au CK, Tsui MTK, Yung KKL. 2018. Feasibility of Sijunzi Tang (Chinese medicine) to enhance protein disulfide isomerase activities for reactivating malate dehydrogenase deactivated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3230-5
- Leung HM, Yue PYK, Sze SCW, Au CK, Cheung KC, Chan KL, Yung KKL, Li WC. 2019. The potential of Mikania micrantha (Chinese creeper) to hyperaccumulate heavy metals in soil contaminated by electronic waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 35275-35280
- Leung HM, Yue PYK, Sze SCW, Au CK, Cheung KC, Chan KL, Lok HY, Li WC, Yung KKL. 2020. Behavioral toxicity studies of Cyclope neritea and Nassarius mutabilis exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 6695–6700
- Leung HM, Cheung KC, Au CK, Yung KKL, Li WC. 2021. An assessment of heavy metal contamination in the marine soil/sediment of Coles Bay Area, Svalbard and Greater Bay Area, China: a baseline survey from a rapidly developing bay. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 22170–22178.
- Li WC, Tse HF, Leung HM, Yue YK. 2022. Degradation of plastic waste in the marine environment. In: Impact of Plastic Waste on Marine Biota, edited by Shahnawaz M, Sangale MK, Zhu D, Ade AB. Springer, Singapore, p.143–174.
- Leung HM, Sung KC, Peng XL, Cheung KC, Au CK, Yung KKL, Li WC. 2022. Evaluating seasonal variations of fecal coliform colonization in Magallana hongkongensis and Crassostrea rhizophorae: A preliminary study of oyster quality grown in Hong Kong aquacultural farms. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 178, 113583.
- Li WC, Leung HM. 2024. Management strategy and mitigation measures for plastic pollution. In: Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments (Second Edition) edited by Eddy Y. Zeng, Elsevier, America, p. 399-419.
Leung HM, Li WC, Kwan KL. 2021-2041. Mycorrhizas Embedded Microbead and Manufacturing Method and Utilizing Method Thereof. TWI818227B. 水耕裝置和菌根菌微珠及其製作和使用方法.